Monday, May 25, 2009

15 weeks

Week 15 — Naval orange! Average fetus 4.0", 2.5oz. Continuing the march towards normal proportions, baby's legs now outmeasure the arms. And, finally, all four limbs have functional joints. Your fetus is squirming and wiggling like crazy down in the womb, though you probably still can't feel the movements.

I FINALLY got a picture taken! This was me this morning (good thing it's not a close-up because there is no make-up! Ack!). Each and every week I am amazed at how fast things are going this time around, but it truly takes me off guard. Being in 2nd trimester now, I am starting to feel like holy-crap-there-is-a-LOT-of-things-to-be-done! I should also be keeping track of how many times people ask me if I am having twins. NO! There is just one!

Unfortunately I haven't been feeling so great the last bit, but this morning I woke up and felt good. No headache, no icky tummy (don't know what was up with that).. and the sun was shining! I have even started to feel little nudges/flutters. Mike thinks I am nuts, but c'mon. Who is carrying this thing?! I am looking forward to really feeling it, and sharing it with Mike and the kids. Daisy won't get it, but Ben asks me (still) every day if the baby is big enough for him to see. And he says it's a brother. Who knows! I just hope that at my big ultrasound the babe will show us. We have had two surprises, I want to KNOW this time around! I gotta plan this nursery that Daisy will be sharing with! Then hopefully we can agree on a name — a whole other story.

And I almost forgot! I scored an AMAZING deal on a BOB Duallie stroller.. I had been looking at getting a double for a while, knowing that I will need it as Daisy will be too little to use the sit & stand. I just got it on Friday and used it a few times this weekend — love it! It's definitely not an umbrella stroller, not a weakling, but the kids like it :)

Monday, May 4, 2009


Week 12 — Plum! Average fetus 2.1", .49oz. As you move into the second trimester, baby shifts into the growth and maturation stage. After weeks in the critical development stage, almost all of baby's systems are fully formed.

WOW! Already at the end of the first trimester.. it really has flown by. I went for my check up this morning and everything is great! I gained just one pound (YAY!) and my blood pressure was great. I got to hear the heartbeat for the first time, too! Very exciting.. then the wee ultrasound showed how much it has grown in 4 weeks. It no longer looks like a little lima bean — I could see the profile of the face, an arm behind it's head and the other by it's face, and the legs tucked up. Amazing! Dr. H says to just keep up the good work!

My tummy is growing rapidly, every morning Ben asks me if the baby is big enough for him to see. I am going to try to take him to one of my upcoming appts so he really CAN see it on the screen! Will work on posting a picture :)