Monday, September 7, 2009

30 weeks

Week 30 / 7.5 months — Squash! Average fetus 15.2" to 16.7", 2.5 to 3.8lbs. Baby’s energy is surging, thanks to the formation of white fat deposits beneath the skin. (Have those kicks and jabs to the ribs tipped you off yet?) Baby is also settling into sleep and waking cycles, though — as you’ve also probably noticed — they don’t necessarily coincide with your own. Also this month, all five senses are finally functional, and the brain and nervous system are going through major developments.

It's been a busy 8 weeks since I posted last.. we went on a family camping trip, enjoyed our backyard and perks of our garden, visited with family & friends, worked and completed the new nursery & Ben's new room!

Yesterday was my official 30 weeks and I can't believe the due date is just 10 weeks away. My last check-up was great, baby growing right on track and still moving lots. This Wednesday I have to go do my 1 hour diabetes test, hoping I pass with flying colours and avoid the horrible 3 hour test. Fingers crossed! Then next Monday I go for my check-up and see the baby again!

We have also named the baby boy! How he got named is a funny story and we are so excited to meet little Jack! When we left the ultrasound, Ben said that he was going to be naming his brother Jack Sparrow. He is pirate obsessed lately, and even though he has never seen the movies, he DOES know that Jack Sparrow is a pirate! So, the name has stuck and as it turns out, my great great Grandpa was named Jack! I thought it was Joseph, but it was Jack Joseph! Jack will be both named by his brother and be passing down a family name! Coming up with a middle name is a whole other story.. taking suggestions! If you ask Ben now what his brother will be named, he says Jack Sparrow Indiana Jones :P

I have to take a recent belly shot, but here I am a few weeks ago when Mike & I got to go to Seattle for a night. Some of my maternity clothes are even getting snug this time around.

Lastly, here is the new room that Daisy & Jack will be sharing. The bookshelf will be moved into the playroom and the rocking chair will go into the living room to make room for the other crib. I have just a few more things to get, wash clothes and pack the bags, but mostly we are just waiting on Jack!