Monday, June 1, 2009

16 weeks

This morning was my 16 week check-up. It was so far the most exciting one :) Gained a few pounds, not a big deal, blood pressure was good.

The heartbeat was detected right away and was so nice to hear. A steady healthy sounding beat.. awesome. When he did the ultrasound, I couldn't believe how much it's grown in four weeks! You sure do forget the details.. The way the baby was positioned, we were able to see it face on. It had it's legs tucked into it's chest, an arm stretched over it's head and you could see it open and close it's mouth. Then it got all bendy and a leg stretched waaaaay up. So neat to see!

My big ultrasound is July 10th, where I will get to keep pictures of it. Mike is meeting me there with the kids, so they will get to come in at the end and see their baby sibling, too! Perhaps it will show us the bits and we can find out who is in this belly!